Saturday, November 26, 2016

NaNoWriMo Update: A sad state of affairs.

Alright. I'll admit. It's harder than I thought it was going to be.

I thought I had enough time in each day to pound out 1,667 words. I thought I could do that much. However, I ended up busy with other things.

For example, November was the month I volunteered to work at a voting booth. It was also the month McDonald's starting making the Peppermint mocha again (not a sponsor yet). It was also the month I was a witness to a minor car accident. It was also the month I posted a couple times to this blog. It was also the month I celebrated Thanksgiving. It was also the month I didn't participate in Black Friday (again). It was also the month that I would look at my novel document and say 'nah, I haven't got anything new to say yet' even though I probably could have. Who knew I was going to be this busy?

I was so busy, in fact, I made this update for you all:

So here's to a somewhat finished novel in a few days! To all you NaNoWriMers out there, I hope you are doing better than I am. Don't give up, November ain't over yet!


  1. Hello there! I just found your blog. You seem cool. I really like bluegrass music as well. :)
    This is my first year participating in NANOWRIMO. It's kind of crazy...Good luck on finishing your novel! (even if it takes longer than the end it this month to finish. You can do it.) :)
    God Bless!

    1. Hey Megs!

      Thanks for checking my blog out! I appreciate your kind words. Yes, I agree that bluegrass is awesome!
      Crazy is an excellent word for my first NaNoWriMo year too! Haha. I trust that your novel is coming along better than mine is, here's to having a really cool project by the end of the month!
