Thanks for calling me a bag of pork rinds and a Dr. Pepper. It makes my fragile sense of self esteem so much less that way.
But little do they know, that's not how that phrase is supposed to go. I mean, yeah, folks have been saying that since the Byzantine empire was still a thing (if you're keeping track, it's not anymore). A better way to articulate the phrase would be as follows:
You are what you consume.
Not only did I acquire a big thesaurus recently, but I obtained a gigantic thesaurus recently. There's a reason that I changed "eat" to "consume". You see, we as human beings are consumers of much more than food. Though my nickname of Pork Rind may be fitting to me (as is Sloppy Joe, Slim Jim, Cuban Sandwich, and Mashed Potato Casserole), I'm defined more often by what I patronize, what I'm entertained by, what I talk about, the activities I engage in, etc.
To put it in simpler terms (to match my simpler personality), I eat food that strengthens my body. If I eat food that's very nourishing to eyesight, I will have great eyesight. If I eat food that's nourishing to my brain, that'd be a miracle. So it is with what we consume! If I'm a consumer of things that are sad, I might become a sadder person. If I'm a consumer of things that help others, I will become a very helpful person. If I'm a consumer of educational things, I'll fall asleep.
You might think that this post is coming across as cheesy (and the fact I put too much cheese on the lunch I'm currently eating is complete coincidence and serendipity) but it's important to note that it works the opposite way.
If I consume things that aren't productive to my growth, I won't grow. If I consume things that are unhealthy, I will be unhealthy.
So I guess what I'm saying here, is that you should do a deep search in your life. Who are you? What are you consuming?
That's all for now, I'll go back to my Flaming Hot Italian sandwich that I coincidentally chose to eat for lunch today. And it still has too much cheese.