Well in response the first few questions, I would say yes, I have. (That last one is not a story the Jedi would tell you). If I didn't go to college, what would I be doing now?
Interestingly enough, I might be in many different places. Some of these positions I almost had may surprise you:
1. Sketch Comedian
A few years ago, I auditioned to be a member of a comedy troupe in Utah. I didn't make the cut, but now I have two original comedy sketches saved to my computer and a U-haul full of diet coke jokes.2. Sportscaster
When I was in college, I was offered a job to be a sports broadcaster for our University's basketball team. I was totally thrilled, but quickly learned how little I know about basketball. I declined the position.3. Journalist
For a grand total of a couple weeks, I was a writer for a local politics organization. I attended government events and wrote about them. I was offered a full time job a couple cities over in the private sector and discontinued my services.4. Filmographer
I was a cameraman for a local public relations firm for one night. They only needed me because their usual cameraman was not available. All I did was point a camera and record. Easy peasy.5. Actor
I played the role of a suspicious, surly musician in a mock-court once. It was very hard to get into character. What even is the Circle of Fifths? Get off my lawn.6. Reality Star
I was in the opening credits of America's Got Talent in season 9. Blink and you'll miss me.Had any one of these positions flourished in any way, my life might look very different. I could've been living in another state, met people I'll never meet, and been just as existential about if I had stayed where I am.
At least, I'm thankful with the closure I have knowing that God only plants me where I am to grow and flourish. Existential or not, this is where I belong until He leads me elsewhere. Who could ask for more?