Friday, March 9, 2018

Don't even THINK about trying it...

I cannot tell you how many times I've had a friend tell me something like:

"One of these days I'm gonna try to start my own blog."
"I think it'd be cool to try to have a YouTube channel."
"I wanna try to grow sideburns."

It's only talk. All talk. Just talk. Yet, they've never attempted to knock any of these things off their to-do list.
Well I'm here to tell you that I've accomplished all of the above. If a guy like me can do it, then there is no reason to doubt that you shouldn't even bother trying it.

*Record screeching*

Thought this was going in a different direction? Cool.

Listen, you have that bucket list of really cool stuff you want to do. Why waste your life's ambition by accomplishing everything early? You'll have nothing else to live for!

I know a girl who wished her whole life she could travel to new and exciting places, one day she quit wishing and started traveling! Wow. What even is the purpose of her life now?

I know a small team of guys who decided that quantum physics shouldn't be scary and boring, but fun and musical. As we speak, they're developing the perfect app that will use music to get you thinking in terms of quantum! Now they're going to ruin EVERYTHING by developing the perfect app. So much for motivation!

I know a guy who wanted to learn to speak to his grandma in Italian, so he taught himself. That's actually really sweet and touching.

If you put the focus of your life on stuff you want to do, your life is gonna be complete when you do it. I might be the one to suggest you put your focus on the things you are currently doing, but hey, who am I to tell you how to live your life? You want a lifestyle blog, read the Art of Manliness.

I guess I could sum everything up in the words of that great philosopher:
"Do or do not. There is no try."
And yes, that philosopher is a glorified Muppet, but hey, out of the mouths of  babes and movie practical effects, amirite?

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