Tuesday, April 2, 2019

When You Tell A Joke Out Loud

For those who read yesterday's post, you might be wondering if I'm already packing for my tour.

Of course, it was my annual April Fool's joke, and a very intricate one to pull off. It brings me no small joy to know I couldn't fool some of you. I have such intelligent friends! However, I am aware, I might have snookered a few others. I did everything I could to make it seem real: merch, promo poster, stellar acting abilities on my Instagram stories, etc, so don't feel bad. You're intelligent too.

I must confess that my April Fooling was not just limited to the internet. A coworker has a miniature marquee on his desk that reads:

"Design is thinking made visual. - Saul Bass"

After he left the room, I rearranged it to read:

"Sign is dead. Thin bass me visual - King Saul"

I would've done more but he was returning to his desk and I was out of time. I must admit his reaction was pretty satisfying, and until he reads this post, I don't think he knows who is responsible. But if you know him, don't tell him yet!

So I write this post to formally say "April Fools" on yesterday's post. I'm not going on tour as a solo artist this year. Thanks so much for hanging with my practical jokes!

One thing I wasn't joking about was The Real Mark Wimberley snapbacks, trucker hats, and ball caps. They're a thing now, and I'm stoked!!  Don't forget that you can get 15% off everything from April 5 through April 9 if you use the code 15APRIL19.

Monday, April 1, 2019

When You Tell Yourself a Joke

If you are anything like me, you understand that EVERYTHING has a punchline if you try hard enough and you're brave enough to cross the right lines.

Always being one for a challenge, throughout my days on YouTube and Blogger, I have accumulated a healthy list of parody and original songs that my TRMW family has suggested and prompted me to write.

Who could forget the song that teaches you to pronounce gif? Or even the song about being the third wheel on a date? Or the backwards country song about a dog and his boy? And there are so many others that I've yet to film, but have performed for y'all on social media or in small gatherings. Remember the Xtreme parody about sunburns styled like "More than Words"? Or the Billy Joel parody about food poisoning styled like "The Longest Time"?

It's kinda like telling yourself a really good joke. You just really wish others could appreciate the vast amount of effort you put into creating something so delightfully funny.

Wish no more!

I am super excited to be embarking on my very first tour as The Real Mark Wimberley. The tour, which I've named the "Grammatically Correct" tour will feature all of your favorite TRMW songs as well as a little bit of stand-up, sleight-of-hand, and maybe even a special guest or two!

I'm really stoked to see what my first tour has in store. Maybe I'll bomb. Maybe I'll win big. Maybe I'll sell some TRMW swag. It's no joke that you can get 15% off everything from April 5 through April 9 if you use the code 15APRIL19. But I digress.

I hope I can meet each of you in person this year. I am really looking forward to sharing all the jokes I tell to myself in a Grammatically Correct manner.