Tuesday, April 2, 2019

When You Tell A Joke Out Loud

For those who read yesterday's post, you might be wondering if I'm already packing for my tour.

Of course, it was my annual April Fool's joke, and a very intricate one to pull off. It brings me no small joy to know I couldn't fool some of you. I have such intelligent friends! However, I am aware, I might have snookered a few others. I did everything I could to make it seem real: merch, promo poster, stellar acting abilities on my Instagram stories, etc, so don't feel bad. You're intelligent too.

I must confess that my April Fooling was not just limited to the internet. A coworker has a miniature marquee on his desk that reads:

"Design is thinking made visual. - Saul Bass"

After he left the room, I rearranged it to read:

"Sign is dead. Thin bass me visual - King Saul"

I would've done more but he was returning to his desk and I was out of time. I must admit his reaction was pretty satisfying, and until he reads this post, I don't think he knows who is responsible. But if you know him, don't tell him yet!

So I write this post to formally say "April Fools" on yesterday's post. I'm not going on tour as a solo artist this year. Thanks so much for hanging with my practical jokes!

One thing I wasn't joking about was The Real Mark Wimberley snapbacks, trucker hats, and ball caps. They're a thing now, and I'm stoked!!  Don't forget that you can get 15% off everything from April 5 through April 9 if you use the code 15APRIL19.

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