Friday, April 8, 2016

I Can't Get No Satisfaction

For those of you who got past the ridiculous grammar in the title, I will disappoint you again by mentioning that this post has nothing to do with the Rolling Stones.

But life never works exactly how we want it.  The unsinkable still sinks. The unbreakable still breaks.  The unthinkable still...thinks. My voice still breaks when I sing...

This past week I've been recruiting for my capstone research project, but everyone I talk to does not meet the qualifications to participate. C'mon!

Last month I changed all the strings on my guitar, but something didn't set right on the .035 string so it couldn't keep it's tune and broke five minutes after I took it out of the package. Why me?

The other day I had a large iced coffee, but the barista served it with a medium straw so that the more I kept drinking, the farther my nose sank into the whipped cream. Really, people?

Just when life's plans start shaping up, something goes wrong. Curse you, Murphy and your stupid law!

But life goes on. I guess I can't complain. Young bucks like me can find a lot of things to complain about, but the reality is the majority of our complaints are little ones. In the midst of a life bent on success, things will go wrong even if you try and you try and you try and you try...

Nobody promised life would be easy. Nobody promised life would be fair. It's up to us to stop complaining, get some whipped cream on our noses and make the most of it.

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