Monday, August 22, 2016

Bluegrass Breakdown Ep. 3: White Dove

We all know that sometimes, bluegrass lyrics make a little less than a good amount of sense. That's what I'm here for. I will explain the meaning of bluegrass songs verse by verse. Today we visit White Dove.

In the deep rolling hills of old Virginia
There's a place that I love so well
Where I spent many days of my childhood
In the cabin where we loved to dwell

So now we've established the author's race: He's Virginian and he's totally okay with that.

   White dove will mourn in sorrow
   The willows will hang their heads
   I'll live my life in sorrow
   Since mother and daddy are dead

Birds you say? Nope. This is an unabashed plug for Dove White Beauty Bar! For softer smoother more radiant looking skin! The reason that it's mourning is because living life in sorrow means waking up in the morning and not feeling like taking a shower. You can imagine how the willow trees will wilt after a while. And it's all mother and daddy's fault!

We were all so happy there together
In our peaceful little mountain home
But the Savior needs angels up in heaven
Now they sing around the great white throne

Again, the author is totally cool with being Virginian. More power to him.
Now, those of you who read your Bible are thinking "this is impossible, no one can read my mind" and the next thing you're thinking is "but people don't become angels when they die! Psalm 8:5; 1 Cor. 6:3; etc.!" Precisely. The lyrics actually mean that there are so many people in Heaven, that the saints-to-angels ratio is lacking on the angels side. And now that I say this out loud, I doubt the Biblical accuracy of that statement also.....

As the years roll by I often wonder
If we will all be together someday
And each night as I wander through the graveyard
Darkness finds me as I kneel to pray

So after all this about how great Virginia is, the author goes and loses his way on a hike or playing PokemonGO or something. He wanders in circles and finds himself at the same graveyard night after night, which incidentally, was not a Pokestop. Wondering if he'll be with all of us again, he prays that he can find the road home. And then the song ends. Talk about a cliff hanger. Allow me to finish the story with my own two verses:

"It was bout a week ago I found the home place,
And I'm as happy as the landlord will allow,
Now that we are back together for the long haul,
I think I'll go take a shower now.

I will use my special White Dove soap Bar,
I'll be cleaner than I ever have been,
And the second I emerge you will notice,
I have smoother softer more radiant skin!"

There you go! A resolve to a cliff hanger song about a man and his love for Virginia! Dove is not a sponsor. Yet.

Is there another song that has confusing lyrics? Let me know! I can explain them to you on the next episode of the Bluegrass Breakdown!

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