Friday, June 10, 2016

1000 views! Very first interactive post!

Such a joyous occasion! A few days ago, this blog reached 1000 page views! What's a dude like me to do? Celebrate of course!

So, to celebrate, I am going to compile a group of videos that YOU will make. I will list a list of prompts. You will choose any prompt and create a humorous video based off of the prompt. When you all turn them in, I will compile them to form a completely fictional account of how I started this blog. If you want to choose more than one prompt, be my guest. Don't tell me you don't make videos. I know you do. Even if you don't, do it. C'mon, it's a celebration!

Here they are:

Prompt 1: Four siblings are eating dinner and each have a very important announcement.
Prompt 2: Something is missing from the internet.
Prompt 3: Heavy Metal: The Bluegrass Musical.
Prompt 4: Really bad blog name ideas.
Prompt 5: Accidental hero returns home.

All of the above should include a character named Mark (hence the fictional account of how I started this blog) and can be however long or short as you want. Keep em funny, fictional, and clean. I can hardly wait to see what you all create.

Also, the famed blogger Kimberly Grace is just a few views shy of 2000. I wonder how she will celebrate?

Thanks a million for visiting with me on this site. Here's to more good times in the future! Y'all come back now, ya hear?