Such a joyous occasion! A few days ago, this blog reached 1000 page views! What's a dude like me to do? Celebrate of course!
So, to celebrate, I am going to compile a group of videos that YOU will make. I will list a list of prompts. You will choose any prompt and create a humorous video based off of the prompt. When you all turn them in, I will compile them to form a completely fictional account of how I started this blog. If you want to choose more than one prompt, be my guest. Don't tell me you don't make videos. I know you do. Even if you don't, do it. C'mon, it's a celebration!
Here they are:
Prompt 1: Four siblings are eating dinner and each have a very important announcement.
Prompt 2: Something is missing from the internet.
Prompt 3: Heavy Metal: The Bluegrass Musical.
Prompt 4: Really bad blog name ideas.
Prompt 5: Accidental hero returns home.
All of the above should include a character named Mark (hence the fictional account of how I started this blog) and can be however long or short as you want. Keep em funny, fictional, and clean. I can hardly wait to see what you all create.
Also, the famed blogger Kimberly Grace is just a few views shy of 2000. I wonder how she will celebrate?
Thanks a million for visiting with me on this site. Here's to more good times in the future! Y'all come back now, ya hear?
Aw, do they have to be fictional? XD
ReplyDeleteOh, fine. Make it as accurate as you want. XP
DeleteHaha, I'm just kidding. XD
DeleteHowever you choose to do it will be absolutely perfect!