Monday, July 25, 2016

New Shoes, New Face, New Album

Everything is details. Small details. Seemingly insignificant details, until you realize the details make the whole difference.

Like buying shoes for example. I walked through that shoe store looking for just a normal pair of tennis shoes (so I can walk and stuff), and I could not find the men's section for the life of me...

...until I realized I was standing right by the men's section and I thought they were women's shoes the whole time. Sad.

Thankfully, I did leave that day with brand new manly tennis shoes, but I often wondered why anyone would want a pair of shoes with tacos on them.

Details, details.

I know it was just tacos, but wouldn't that look just a little silly with blue jeans and a belt buckle? Details make the difference.

I'm also growing a beard since I don't have any gigs for a few days. I'm growing it because I think it looks good. I'm shaving it before our next gig because no it doesn't.
I use the term "beard" quite loosely, by the way. Not much to go on.

Details, though. I need to look decent for gigs, right? Riiiight??

And don't worry, just because I have a new Instagram account (@therealmarkwimberley) doesn't mean I'll be posting selfies everyday. That's not what Instagram was invented for. I think?

The siblings and I are excited for our new album which will be released very very very very soon (How bout the 27th. Sound good?). This album has been in the works for four years, and it's about time we actually release it.
But our song list kept changing.
But our album title kept changing.
The recording studio sessions kept getting moved around.
The album cover needed designing.
The vocal mix here and the instrumental break there needed fixing somehow or another.
Metadata needed data-ing.

Details. Tiny, inconspicuous details.

Details, when overlooked, ruin the entire project.  What were we to do? We needed to release an album, and as we say in college, a project is never done, it's just due.

The point of this whole post was quite simple:
Oh wait, there was no point. I must've overlooked that detail...

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