Sunday, July 10, 2016

Water water everywhere...

When you settle down for the night and find your air conditioning dripping a little bit of water, you would probably be a little bit concerned.

When it is one hour til showtime and your air conditioning is dripping a lot of water, you would probably be a lot concerned.

No worries, thought we, we'd just clean the coils and it would keep the condensation down to an absolute minimum! During sound check, I was informed the problem had been fixed!

Coming back from sound check to change into performance clothes, I was greeted with even more dripping water from the air conditioning. The problem was back. Whoever said a musician has a monotonous life?

After the show, I sat down and did some research on air conditioning units. One blocked draining hole later, our problem was finally solved. How did we celebrate? By turning the air conditioning up. It's so much better dry, believe me.

Now I sit in beautiful Texarkana about to go fishing....
Then the thunder rolls and lightning strikes...
And the radar shows a beautiful orange colored storm. I'm cool with that. I can dig it.

At least the air conditioning doesn't leak anymore! Bring on the rain!

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